top-down analysis

英 [tɒp daʊn əˈnæləsɪs] 美 [tɑːp daʊn əˈnæləsɪs]

网络  分析法; 上到下分析; 自上而下分析



  1. In practice, we find that unless a project is entirely green field, in addition to a top-down analysis, there is a simultaneous bottom-up analysis of pre-existing code and business logic.
  2. This analysis is then reconciled with the results of top-down analysis to give more complete picture.
  3. A more judicious approach would be to first do top-down, then goal-service modeling, and finally bottom-up legacy analysis of existing assets.
  4. Top-down analysis ( through process modeling)
  5. Top-down approach: In a top-down approach, such as IBM Service Oriented Modeling Approach ( SOMA), services are identified and prioritized using business analysis.
  6. The meet-in-the-middle approach is about reconciling needs ( the services identified by the top-down analysis) and what's already provided by existing IT assets.
  7. I noted that for service identification, it is important to combine the three approaches of top-down, bottom-up, and cross-sectional, goal-model analysis.
  8. Such reusable process components must then necessarily also become subject to the top-down or bottom-up SOA analysis process.
  9. This process consists of a combination of top-down, bottom-up, and middle-out techniques of domain decomposition, existing asset analysis, and goal-service modeling.
  10. The third possible approach is called top-down since it begins by a detailed analysis of a dedicated application domain, in order to define the best-adapted architecture.
  11. Goal-oriented top-down analyzer Target-Oriented Wave Field Continuation Method for Illumination Analysis
  12. It uses recursive manner of a top-down version of the lexical analysis.
  13. Top-down goal-oriented analysis procedure
  14. Mr Yip said top-down analysis should take precedence in Greater China.
  15. In the design phase, a whole Top-Down analysis and module design was done, and finally the circuit of The Baseband Module was realized and tested.
  16. The analysis shows that shear stress under wheel load is the major reason that causes Top-Down cracking.
  17. This system adopts product rule for knowledge expression and the inference strategies is carried out from several respects, including top-down, left-right, depth-first, trace control and so on, and tentatively explores the semantic analysis.
  18. China Unicom is the objective company in this thesis, analyzed with top-down approach and discount cash flow model to estimate its intrinsic value. Consequently I propose investment decision based on analysis report.
  19. The algorithm first makes a top-down coarse location using the projection analysis of the edge density graph and then makes a bottom-up precise location based on the vertical edge linkage intensity.
  20. The top-down multiple mass spectrometer analysis of protein molecules could also be applied, which could identify some protein sequence from high homogeneity family.
  21. A top-down syntax analysis method based on recursion
  22. The bottom-up and top-down analysis methods for web services composition.
  23. And then to proceed with the system design, database design tools the e-r model tool, design follow top-down and bottom up from the combination of mixed mode, namely the top-down requirement analysis, and then from the bottom up design concept structure.
  24. Top-down foundation pit bracing system is always designed according to the traditional method. As to the design of preformed hole is only considered from the perspective of actual construction, while the perspective of structural design by quantitative and the qualitative analysis is not considered.
  25. Traditional translation theories have generally advocated a bottom-up analysis of the translation process which is from diction to syntax and then to discourse analysis, while the functionalist translation theory presents a top-down analysis of the translation process.